Saturday, August 8, 2009

A Journey for the Soul

A little housekeeping first.....for those of you that have checked into my blog since the beginning (a whopping 6 months now!) you will know that this blog is journaling not only my work but the ride through the first year of my little photography business.  For those who are new to looking at my pics and reading the blog....I have not been at this very long.

I feel it necessary to kind of apologize for a few things...first how many pictures I have started to post. It seems with each new shoot comes more pictures to choose from and I am not so great at really "whittling" it down. I am starting some photoshop courses in the fall and will be learning how to collage my pictures so that visually they look a little more "together". And come this winter when things slow down and everyone's Christmas pictures have been sent out on their cards (hint hint)...I will be sitting down to sift and sort through a year's worth of my work to put together a website with proper galleries and online viewing for clients.  I won't have an excuse, after being at this for a year,  for not having things a little more together for people. I guess I have to get a little more "professional" in my presentation?! Laughing out loud for real.
For little blog with have to do. I know the pics are small and that there are way too many - but hey - I am having fun!! 

On to this week's post. This is another one of those shoots that I left grinning ear to ear. And not because I knew that I left with some beautiful shots in the camera but because of the story behind what and who I was photographing.
First off...I spent over 2 hours with these 3 incredibly polite, kind and beautiful children.  Their mom and cousin (whom kindly looked after my Kate while taking the photos - thank you!!) walked us around their grandma and late papa's farm.  Mom recounted stories of her wedding on the farm, the daisies in her bouquet (just like the ones we put in her daughter's hair) and the old tractor her father-in-law used to ride. It was a gorgeous summer day and I felt completely uplifted by Mom's sincerity and soulfulness.  The farm meant the world to this family so photographing her 3 children here meant a lot.  I spent the last half hour, alone, walking around the property and taking pictures of this beautiful place. 

As I said before - Kate tagged along for this one. She played with her beads and barbie's (and of course left these things and one shoe on the farm - typical) and loved the kittens.  Kate made herself at home by making some new friends and eating their food. Kate still talks about our visit to the farm to this day. 
Thanks for a wonderful shoot and for sending me away with beautiful pictures to post and memories to hold. 


Oh and I had to take this of Kate on our way down the path to the road... that wide open field was calling me...

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