Friday, August 28, 2009

Let's Go!

As always housekeeping first. I think I do this in my blog posts to keep my mental check list - checked off. I am celebrating the ninth month of my little photography business and each week I take a few more steps in developing and growing both my photographic ability and my business processes. Each week I make it my goal to take on something new like finding out how to watermark or how to make my pictures bigger. This week I decided to create a "fan page" on facebook. I do love facebook by the way.
It feels mildly awkward to me to have "fans". It's not like I am some big famous photographer or anything. But I thought it would be nice to have somewhere that people who enjoy looking at my pictures could gather and be another part of my journey. There I can post sneek peek pictures and showcase upcoming plans (like Christmas cards!). So, you can now officially find ONE FOR THE WALL photography on facebook!! Now don't ask me to link you there from here because...well...I don't know how to do that yet. Baby steps everyone (refer to old posts to hear me vent about all things technical). I will have to either conference call, Amanda, in Listowel or message my virtual friend, Brian, from the US (a fellow photog friend from facebook of course). They will both know how to do that one. Perhaps that will be my goal for next week! But in the meantime, you can type the business name in and it will come up. Feel free to join!!

On to this week's post. The rain and cold are playing games with my shoots these days! This shoot was scheduled for 6 pm on a day that was all over the map with rain, sun and wind. The call was made approx. 5 pm that it was off. The rain was coming down in droves and we both thought that was it. Well, 5:59 came around and so did the sun. I frantically reached for my blackberry and messaged my friend to see if her girls had rubber boots for the cute outfits she had dressed them in earlier. Within 10 minutes we met in my driveway and it became a shoot about puddles and rainboots! The lighting was incredible and the humidity that hung around the air did wonders for the curls on these two beauties (not so much on mine though). I am so glad we made the "Let's Go" call for this shoot. You are very special people and I felt privledged to take your pictures! Their mom is probably - I mean - IS the most organized person I have ever met and after the shoot wrapped up said "my christmas cards are done". Looking forward to seeing these on your cards this year!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday to handsome Mr. C!!!
Doesn't everyone love the story behind the story? Well, I do. I love to tell the neat little "behind the scenes" things from shoots. There is just about always some sort of story! So...this gorgeous Mom is good friends' with one of my longest standing and closest highschool friends'. They used to be neighbours actually. Then a move took them to Texas. We met Mr. C and his mom and dad at a party for my highschool friends' hubby's 40th party a few months back. hubbie meets Mr. C and his Mom in a US airport while travelling. Low and behold he starts chatting about my photography and tells her she should check out my blog. So she did and she books Mr. C's 1st birthday pics with me on a trip home from Texas.
Fast forward to the weekend...and Mr. C is sick! Now you certainly wouldn't know it by these pics except for the adorable little one at the end where he is sitting up holding "MONK". By then he was not having anymore of our antics. Thanks so much to Mr. C's Auntie for helping out behind the camera!! Happy 1st Birthday little guy! Can't wait to photograph the whole family when you are back in town for a visit!! you have to read my post 3 times to get "the story behind the story"?!?! I did.


Reunion Time!

My whole life fall has always been the season I most look forward too; fall colours, Thanksgiving and turtle neck sweaters. Since starting into photography and coming out of the worst season of illness I have ever known...summer has now become my favourite. LIGHT - for hours!! WARMTH- for barefeet! HEALTH - no sickness!! Needless to say I have a new perspective on summer.

And summer means family reunions too! I had the pleasure of photographing this extended family back in July. Their family stretches from Ontario to Eastern Canada to California!! They all came together in Waterloo to enjoy a weekend together. It was so nice to see how much fun everyone was having and how sincerely happy they were to be together again.
And thanks to Ang for helping me out that day!


Saturday, August 22, 2009

Bigger is Better.

Well in this case it is!! A loud shout out to, Amanda, from Living Proof photography this blog post. Thanks to her incredible intellect when it comes to all things technical - I have advanced my little blog further down the road. A 7:30 am conference call between Listowel and Waterloo resulted in me singing her praises ever since. She is forever my html hero. I can't promise you Amanda that I won't ping you with a "help" what does that code error mean?!!!! I hope that everyone will enjoy the bigger photos.

The dog days of summer. I love that saying. It reminds me of all things August; corn (from Herrle's of course), tomatoes and humid evenings that don't require blankets to sleep. I refused to let my husband turn on the air conditioner through the recent hot spell. I suffered enough through a long winter of illnesses and waited far too long for summer to finally arrive. So gosh darnit - I was going to sweat. And I did. And it felt great.

Mom (who has to be one of the nicest women I have ever met) had warned me that a not so great studio photography experience had kind of left the kiddies traumatized. They were afraid I would stand them up in front of me to say "cheese" all night. Ten minutes into the shoot the kids and I shared a high five after a rip around a little red tractor and a jump on the trampoline. Oh and I had the youngest one at "stinker pants". The remainder of the evening the kiddies toured me around their beautiful farm. By the end of the night - they could not get enough of the camera. I think it's safe to say they have been transformed and I sincerely look forward to photographing these beautiful and extremely fun little ones again. If you can believe it the oldest two are twins!! And I musn't forget the dogs. The pictures would not have been complete without them. A handful of treats had them at our feet all night!
Thanks so much for a wonderful evening of laughs during the dog days of summer. And we don't have to tell anyone what really got you all laughing - and no it was not my donkey noises.
