Thursday, June 11, 2009


PROM 2009! Our neighbour had asked me to take some pictures for her son's prom night a few weeks ago. How could I say no to photographing a group like this?! Thankfully, it was a gorgeous night and what fun we all had! Now I have to admit...this put me to the test. I am getting very comfortable with the little ones but to have 16 sets of teenage eyes bearing down on me was new and somewhat intimidating.  Looking at them all took me back oh about 15 or so years to my own prom night. I just could not wrap my head around how fast time has gone since then.  For these beautiful young has just begun! Best of luck to you all in your post secondary studies and thanks for sharing your "big night" with me.

I had to include 2 photos of my kiddies. A true working mom. The girls were in awe of the big girls in their "princess dresses".  The looks on their faces say it all.



  1. Oi. Parabéns por seu excelente blog. Gostaria de lhe convidar para visitar meu blog e conhecer alguma coisa sobre nossa luta contra o comunismo aqui no Brasil. Abração

  2. Heard of your blog from Amanda at Livingproof photography, and then seen it again on Top STratford blogs.
    Great pics! I really like the one of their backs with the little girl in the frame
