Monday, November 2, 2009

Still working on September!

Hello to everyone!
I could not be any happier to be sharing my fall shoots on the blog. Is it possible these beautiful September days are already behind us? It's hard to believe that in 4 short weeks I will have my 2009 fall season wrapped up. It feels like it just begun.

Housekeeping! I am much better this week (that was a rough flu bug). However, my mental state is questionable. For those of you that read my ramblings...know that all things "technical" are not my thing. So why is it that it's always my equipment that has all the problems? I am preparing this evening to part with my MAC for 48 hours to fix the "software issues". I have cleared as much work as I can to make way for a two day hiatus. It's probably not the worst thing as it forces me to hit the sheets before 10 at night.

Two other small's not too late for Christmas card orders. Please look through the cards under the September heading and you can e-mail me for information on ordering. I cannot wait to share the cards! My very dear friend and designer, Angela, has been doing an incredible job showcasing my photographs on everyone's Christmas cards. Thank you!

And don't forget the Clickin' Mom's contest!! There is still time to send me a little note as to whom you would like to give thanks for helping you get to a goal or dream of yours. I will choose the winner at the end of the month.

It is my hope that my families know how sincere I am when I make kind comments about them on the blog. I am blessed to have such a wonderful and kind clientele. This shoot was also at the University of Guelph back in mid September. This family was beautiful. This family was loving. This family adores pictures so it makes me love them even more! Thank you so much for a fun couple of hours together in the warm September sun. Enjoy and stay well everyone!

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