Monday, March 30, 2009

It's never too late for engagement photos!

Candice and Bryce...possibly one of the most beautiful and sweetest couples I know! I have known Candice since my earliest days at Labatt and am fortunate to be friends with she and Bryce. Prior to Candice and Bryce getting married last summer - I repeatedly told Candice she should get her engagement photos done. But they didn't (sigh)...and they were married on a beautiful July day with laughter and many happy tears.  But...low and behold I start a photography business and VOILA engagement photos are now complete. Enjoy everyone! 

Much love and appreciation,

A huge and heartfelt thank you goes out to my hubbie, Dave, and our sweet sweet little girls. How could I not thank him (he approves all large expenditures in this household) this early in the game?! Seriously though...he is loving my new found career, compliments my pictures and is reveling in my happiness (happy wife, happy life) now that I am doing what I really love to do (outside of spending time with him and the girls, cooking and cleaning of course).  And how could I not thank Claire and Kate who tell people that Mommy is a "TOPHOGRAPHER" now?!

1 comment:

  1. Great work Hil! These pics are just beautiful! It looks like you've been doing this forever...well you have in a way... but now it looks like you're a true professional. Contrats and best wishes on your new venture, I know you'll be a big success! Can you make me look that good??!! Ha! Remember the Fall! Plus James is almost sitting so he's soon ready for his next shoot! Luv Jen
