Monday, June 29, 2009

First Assistant Job of the Season!

By now my loyal blog readers know how much I love Christine of CLICK photography. Just to refresh...I met her at a course she taught at the end of November. I e-mailed her promptly after the course to ask if I could possibly be one of her wedding assistants.  I then took another private workshop with Christine in March and I am very proud to say that I am her assistant at 6 of her many weddings this year! I could not be any more thrilled or humbled by this opportunity. 
Christine is not just an incredibly gifted photographer. She is kind, she is helpful and she is giving. She has an ease with her clients that is comforting and you can tell how much they love her and her incredible work.  Oh and did I mention how much fun she is?! We do have a super time together. I am learning so much and she is very complimentary and supportive. It means a whole lot to me.
I didn't realize how nervous I was about my first big assisting gig until 1 am on Friday night - 13 hours shy of our meeting time.  But my bladder certainly did.  Let me tell you this (I will spare the details) I had to call Christine to tell her how worried I was that I wouldn't make it through more than a half hour without having to use the washroom!! How embarassing!! Typical Chris- calm and cool...tracing out our steps for the day and mapping out all of the "CANS" for the day. Magically, I made it through 10 hours with only 3 pit stops.  There is always a story behind everything isn't there?
I was able to hold the bride's make up, tote around a ladder and equipment, fluff the dress a couple of times, hand over a battery and memory cards and most importantly...account for the car keys at all times.  What an amazing experience. I loved every minute of it!  
I took some pictures at the wedding and had the most fun photographing Christine at work. I am looking forward to my assisting duties this summer and learning from the best!


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